Baseball Senior Picture Ideas

Do you need baseball senior picture ideas? Well, look no further!  I had hours with Seth from Pendleton County High School to make some creative senior portraits. When you’ve spent years devoted to an activity, its important to include that in your photo session.  Seth is graduating and giving up his opportunities as an athlete to become a doctor so Dad really wanted to focus on these specific images.  We ended up creating a large canvas collage with our favorite images. 

baseball senior picture ideas


Poses to put on the list:

  • holding the baseball and glove
  • leaning against the dugout fence
  • sitting in the dugout (looking at the camera and looking away)
  • get a shot of you behind the dugout fence
  • standing in your regular position on the field
  • action shots
  • get creative using your gear as props

These are just some of our favorite ones, we had many more. I hope these pictures will give you some baseball senior picture ideas for when you go to make your own!  

Have a baseball athlete and want to plan the dream photo shoot for him? Send me a message using the form below: