Senior Pictures at Cincinnati Parks | Eden Park

Senior pictures always look great in Cincinnati Parks!

Bring your family, friends, dog, car and anything else you want to include in your special day. I always take a picture of you with your entourage at the end of the session.


This park is always a winner for senior pictures because of the variety of backgrounds we can get here.  Flowers, foliage, textures and water features all around thanks to the Cincinnati Parks Foundation.  They do a phenomenal job at keeping the parks beautiful year round. There really isn’t a bad time for a photo shoot at any of the parks around the city. 

Rock steps and tall grasses give give depth and texture to your photos.  These are things you may not think ahead about when planning senior pictures because you are more excited about buying new outfits and getting glammed up for the special day. 

Choosing the right photographer means you don’t have to worry about these details.  They will know exactly what areas work best for adding interest in your images so that you love them.

Paved walkways like the one you see above are some of my personal favorites.  Getting low to show gridlines or shooting overhead is a great way to bring out these specific features.

Flowers are always perfect and Cincinnati Parks makes sure you have color in your backgrounds. Pick some that match your outfit or pick a contrasting color to what you’re wearing so that you stand out even more!

Interested in doing a photo shoot at Eden Park? Contact me using this form: