CHICKS + CHUCKS Fashion Show Fundraiser — Who doesn’t love a night out on the town complete with a show, desserts, drinks, and wine?? WE DO!! My senior and teen model teams came together with me to put this event on to benefit a local charity that is so beloved. It is an organization run by volunteers most of whom live in the Campbell County area. Meeting the ladies that direct this charity only made it even more clear to me that this is the group my team and I would choose to support.
It was my first ever attempt at organizing such an event. I was anxious but Cathy was very supportive and ensured me we would do great. After failing to secure a venue early on due to “wedding” pricing (instead of fundraising pricing), I felt like it was never going to happen. Finally, I met with the folks over at Jolly Event Center in Wilder. They were so helpful to me! I reserved the space once I confirmed the size would suit our event and got to work! I had only 6 weeks to put this thing together! SHEESH!!

Long story short… with the help of my husband, friends, my teens & their parents, we made a success of the night and raised over $1500 for Chicks + Chucks! Special thanks to my husband for all the measuring I made him do….(THREE TIMES!), my BFF Cindy for being there with me even though she had a sprained ankle, two fellow photographers who donated their time to freeze our moments in time, the awesome DJ who also donated his services to make it one hoppin’ place to be, and all the vendors who came out to display. An even bigger thanks to Second Date Dresses for providing the gorgeous dresses on display and to Cathy + the girls for all they do to show support to those fighting breast cancer, as well as their loved ones. <3
Go to my facebook page to see our pictures from the night! Click on this link:
Fashion Show Pictures
Our event program for the night:
To learn more about Chicks + Chucks, go here:
To find our how your daughter can participate the 2018 show, click here:
To rent some of the gowns you see in the show, check out Second Date Dresses here:
To reserve the Jolly Event Center for your event, go here:
859.512.9136 | | 200 Commercial Circle Alexandria Ky 41001
Alexandria Kentucky Photographer | Teen Photographer | Luxury High School Senior Photographer | Fine Art Family Photographer | Campbell County Photographer | Award Winning | Published | Best of NKY
© Copyright 2011-2018, Tonya Bolton Photography. All rights reserved