Is this you? Have you said this to yourself, your family, your friends, your photographer? I can’t tell you how many times I hear this. As a mother and photographer, I can relate to how comfortable it is to be BEHIND the camera. Losing weight was my crutch, too. However, I realized that I was not practicing what I had been preaching!
On a weekly basis, I am with families and teenagers telling them how beautiful they are, to own themselves and be comfortable during our photo shoots because there is no one else like them. I mean, it’s true, right?
Well, the teenagers always have a great time even when some are nervous. I can get them through a photo shoot just fine. It’s the moms who are the hardest.At the end of every session with a teenager, I always ask mom to get in ONE picture with their child. Half of the time, the mom will bow out. “Oh gosh, I look terrible today.” “No way, I was not expecting to be in pictures!” “I need to be losing weight first before I get in a picture!” and so on, and so on. Now, I get it. You might not have been expecting to be in a picture but this is a MEMORY!
You don’t have to blast it on facebook, or print a poster size print of it to hang in your home. Think of all the images on your phone that are just random pictures. (I hope you are in some of them) Not all of them are the greatest, are they? The same is true for these images. You’ll have the memory of just being there.
Now, what about your family portrait? How long has it been? This is a serious picture, right? So, yes, we want to look our best. Having said that, we will never be perfect! Do you know how many pieces of clothing I have in my closet right now that I keep because I say “Oh, I’m going to wear that when I start losing weight.” Its been YEARS for some of those clothes! (Now, Im going to go clean out my closet)
Please don’t let yourself keep putting off making a family picture because you don’t like the way you look. Is that sending your children the right message? Aren’t we always telling our kids they are beautiful no matter what? Well, guess what? They feel the same about us. They look at us everyday so what we look like in the pictures is what they see all the time.
Just because we want to avoid looking at ourselves in pictures doesn’t mean our children don’t want pictures of us. Do you have pictures of your mom, or grandma? Do you cherish them? We should not rob our children of this keepsake because we think we need to lose a few, first.
I made it a point in 2018 to have my own portrait session done. It was mainly for my business but I pushed myself to do it. The “losing a few pounds” excuse had to go. I will be honest and say it was a day filled with anxiety. I was scared to death but I was so happy with the images. When you hire the right photographer, you will love the outcome. My friend, Jessica, did a superb job with me and made me feel like a queen during the shoot. I walked away feeling more beautiful and confident than I did walking in.
Even though you are perfect just the way you are, a good photographer knows how to style you with the right clothing and pose you to get the most flattering results. The magic of photoshop helps us with those skin blemishes we can’t seem to get rid of.
So, its a no-brainer! Find a photographer you love and schedule a family portrait. Stop waiting! Show your children HOW to be confident instead of just telling them to be.
Here is a great article I read from another mom’s perspective about getting in the picture!
Mom, Get In The Picture!
859.512.9136 | info@tonyaboltonphotography.com | 200 Commercial Circle Alexandria Ky 41001
Alexandria Kentucky Photographer | Teen Photographer | Luxury High School Senior Photographer | Fine Art Family Photographer | Campbell County Photographer | Best of NKY | Award Winning Photographer
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