She is fabulous!
Brandy has been following my photography page for YEARS! She finally jumped at the chance to be photographed for the Fabulous 40’s Portrait Project.
In our forties, we have a confidence we likely have not had in our earlier years.
My hope for this project is that the women participating can feel as amazing as they really are and that the women who read their story can be inspired.
Check out my interview with Brandy:

Where were you born and raised?
Alexandria, Kentucky
What is your favorite memory from childhood?
My childhood… definitely some of the best years of my life!! NO WAY can I narrow down a favorite memory!! From growing up with my brother and sister, playing outside with neighbor friends from morning until night, to all the family beach vacations… so many amazing memories!!
What did you want to be when you grew up?
A teacher or a nurse.
What do you do for a living?
I’m a Diagnostic Medical Sonographer, and I LOVE IT. I’ve worked at The Christ Hospital for 21 years now- crazy!!
I also recently started a little side-business with a health and wellness company. I’m having so much fun with it and obviously really enjoy helping people feel better!
What has been your biggest accomplishment?
Going back to college at age 33 and graduating with a degree five years later. It was FAR from easy, but I did it!!
Were there any challenges you had to overcome to get here?
Absolutely. Trying to balance being a wife and mom were the two biggest challenges. I spent most of my time either at school or in front of my computer. I had to find ways to excel in my program while being here for family. Let me just stop right here and give a shout-out to my husband- he was my ROCK through this crazy time!!!
Do you have a life motto or favorite quote? Tell me why you like it.
Be Happy and Be Kind.”
Two things I live by. I was raised by two amazing parents who taught us how to be nice to everyone. You never know the story of another, so always be kind. Happiness is something you must find for yourself. If you aren’t happy in life, then make changes. Life is too short to spend it any other way.
What do you like to do in your free time?
Work my health and wellness business of course!! In addition to that, I love planting and maintaining flowers/plants, taking walks, and reading! (Do I sound like an old lady?!?!)
Tell me about your family!
We are a family of four!! My husband and I have been married for 19 years this September! I met Justin at The Christ Hospital when I started working there as a Pharmacy Technician. That was oh so many years ago, haha! We have two beautiful girls, Madison (16) and Kenzie (13). Madison is learning to drive (scary!!) and is a very competitive soccer player. Kenzie is into competition cheerleading and loves every bit of it! Both girls do awesome in school- Justin and I couldn’t be more proud of them!!
What do you hope your children take away from you being their mother?
I hope they see how important it is to be kind to others. Since they were little, I feel as their mom it’s my job to set the example. It’s always important to say thank you, to give a compliment, to help someone when they need it, or to offer words of encouragement. Always, always, always… just BE KIND.
What do you want people to remember most about you?
My unconditional love for my family and passion for helping others.
Why did you want to participate in this project?
Honestly, I wanted to participate in this project to do something for myself! Turning 40 wasn’t easy for me. I’m now 41 and still struggling a bit with being “this old,” haha!! I know there’s absolutely no slowing this aging process down, but boy sometimes it’s hard to accept! Yes we’ve all heard it, age is simply a number. I may have a few more wrinkles and age spots, more silver strands of hair, and a body that is FAR from perfect. But that’s ok. God blessed me to be able to carry and birth two beautiful babies, so who cares if I have reminders of THAT. Being a mom is by-far my pride and joy. This project sounded like a fun experience, and I have to admit feeling pretty for a day sounded really good!
Want to do your Fabulous Portrait?
Hair and makeup styling provided by Karly Masters at K-Layne Studios.